Physical ailments


First, some explanations…

Your body is surrounded by an energy field as wide as your outstretched arms and as long as your body. This field is an information centre and a highly sensitive perceptual system. It allows us to be in constant “communication” with everything around us, thanks to the electricity it releases; it transmits and receives messages from one body to another.
This energy field stores and reflects the energy emanating from each individual; This energy is developed from our internal and external experiences, both positive and negative. This emotional force influences the body’s physiological tissues.

This is your biography, i.e. experiences accumulated throughout your life turn into biological material.

Play an active role in your recovery.

Physical ailments

When you are unwell, it is very important to be aware that recovery requires you to recognise your own role in dealing with your problems and your dynamic relationship with your surroundings. 

Finally, remember that you alone are the creator of your own recovery; energy medicine and conventional medicine view the patient differently – active in the first case and passive in the latter. The chemical treatments offered by modern medicine do not require the patient’s active participation.

The alternative ensures an exchange of energies between the patient’s consciousness and the curative potential of the therapy, and sometimes the therapist. 

In many cases, classic medicine will treat you, but not heal you…

So if you have problems with: 

  • Bloating/Bowel problems 
  • Depression 
  • Indigestion/Stomach upset 
  • Circulation 
  • Menstrual cycle 
  • Thyroid/Parathyroid 
  • Prostate 
  • Nervous system 
  • Stroke 
  • Chronic exhaustion not associated with a physical cause 
  • Heart palpitations 
  • Anxiety/Anxiety attacks 
  • Nightmares 
  • Backache 
  • Balance problems… 

And you believe in yourself and the benefits of energy medicine, please come and see me!